Maximum compatibility
We are as at home with your data formats as we are with your language requirements. We are perfectly equipped to receive and return your data in line with whichever programs you use. Flawless interfaces save time and eliminate errors. No matter what your Content Management System (CMS) requires, we have the solution:
- We can translate source data from MS Office programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
- We can transfer text from Adobe PDF files for processing in Word.
- We can process InDesign data via the IDML Interchange Format.
- Data are formatted correctly and read in with no time-consuming copy and paste processes. No original data, fonts or images are required.
- We can process HTML, XML and XLIFF files.
- We can process texts online in editing systems or on CMS platforms.
- We use Trados Studio.
- We can acquire translation memory data from Across, Déjà-Vu, Wordfast and LogiTerm: all are compatible thanks to TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) format.
We want to make translation as easy as possible for you. Send us your document in its current format and contact us for a proposal, without obligation.